Misato 美郷 Antique 骨董 Museum 美遊時庵

Mt. Blue - Coffee Class and Hawaiian Goods Store

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See the link at the bottom (or right end) for Mt. Blue's instagram.

Coffee Classes *5 kinds


You can choose from 5 different types of coffee classes.

Held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

Seminar time: 13:00-14:30 / Fee: ¥3,300 per person for 90 minutes / Max. 2 people per seminar / Reservations required


Includes 2 cups of freshly brewed coffee and sweets.

Place: Misato Antique Museum 1F Coffee Room

Hawaiian goods

Open 7/29 (Fri.)!

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We sell colorful Hawaiian-inspired sundries, imported confections, flavored teas, and coffee beans.

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(We will start selling 1-2 kinds of coffee beans at first)

Store location: Misato Antique Museum 1F

Multi-purpose booth 1,2

Multi-purpose booth1

Multi-purpose booths are available for 500 yen per hour.

Multi-purpose booth2
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Multi-purpose booths are available for 500 yen per hour. In addition, the room facilities can be changed according to the purpose.

Records and Gramophone Corner(paid area)


Toys Corner(paid area)
